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Annual resolutions: Some key practices (By Trusted Advisors analysts teams)

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

Annual resolutions are a popular way for individuals to set goals and put in place action plans to improve their quality of life. However, despite their importance, the discipline needed to put in place and maintain resolutions can be a challenge. Factors such as procrastination, distraction, and lack of motivation can make it difficult to stay on track.

The most common resolutions include losing weight, engaging in regular physical activity, improving finances, finding a job or promotion, and improving relationships. These resolutions are often chosen because they have a significant impact on individuals' quality of life and can be easily measured.

It is important to note that to increase the chances of success, it is important to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goals and put in place concrete action plans to achieve these goals. It is important to define intermediate steps to achieve these goals, for example, by increasing the duration and intensity of workout sessions or by putting in place a budget to improve finances. It is also important to take into account potential obstacles and put in place strategies to overcome them. It is also important to surround oneself with people who can support and motivate us throughout the process.

It is also important to remember that resolutions can always be reviewed and adjusted over time to adapt to changes in life. If resolutions are not achieved, it is important not to get discouraged and to continue to set achievable goals. It is important to remember that resolutions are a continuous process and that success is not only measured by achieving the final goal at 100%. It can be useful to keep a journal to track the progress of resolutions and to celebrate accomplishments, even the smallest ones.

Regarding professional resolutions, it is important to set goals such as acquiring new skills, improving work performance, promotion, or searching for a new job. It is important for employers to provide support and resources to help employees achieve professional resolutions. Employers can also organize mentoring or training sessions to help employees achieve professional goals. Employers can also put in place professional development programs to help employees acquire new skills and advance in their careers. Employees can also set professional goals in terms of professional relationships, such as improving communication with colleagues or superiors.

Finally, it is important to remember that resolutions are not just for the beginning of the year, but can be set at any time. It is important to take the time to reflect on one's goals and set achievable resolutions.

Trusted Advisors analysts team


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